Equipment Replacement Model

Make economic replacement decisions to increase availability and organisation profits - easy to use scientific method.

This model calculates the economic replacement point in time for any piece of equipment or machinery. You get financial and statistical calculation of desirable replacement moment in time.
In this model you have to enter the annual operating cost, average inflation rate, financial interest rate and replacement value for each piece of equipment. The model calculates the total payback annuity on capital and operating cost and the economic life span. Economic life span in turn are based on the square root of (2 x avg annual present value ops cost / replacement
value). A warning signal becomes operative when economic life span is reached. Includes a floating graph.
It can be useful for monitoring replacement of vehicles, be it on-road or off-road.

You should also order the presentations module "How to motivate Capital".

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Last Updated 19 August 2002 by Pierre du Plessis